LOLER Training Course


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This LOLER course has been designed to teach duty holders and operators of lifting equipment how to comply with the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER) 1998. It explains how to assess the risks, suitably select, store, set up, and operate equipment, carry out inspections, examination, and maintenance, and plan and supervise operations accordingly. The information covered in the course will help both employers and employees understand how to minimize risks and ensure operations are carried out safely

Course Duration:                 1 Day (8 Hours)

Certificate Validity:              1 year

Training Schedule:               On-Demand

Course Objective:

  • The main duties required under LOLER and other relevant legislation.
  • The main risks posed by lifting operations and lifting equipment, and how these risks can be controlled.
  • The steps required and the factors to consider when carrying out a risk assessment of lifting operations and lifting equipment.
  • How to select, position, and install lifting equipment so risks are minimized.
  • How lifting operations should be planned and supervised so risks are minimized.
  • How to consider factors that may affect equipment’s suitability, such as the environment and positioning.
  • How to minimize risk factors such as proximity hazards, poor weather and visibility, and working with suspended loads.
  • The purpose of safe working loads and the importance of adhering to them.
  • The requirements surrounding thorough examinations, routine maintenance, and pre-use checks.

Topics Covered:

Module One: Introduction to LOLER

  • This module introduces the legal requirements set out by the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations and
    some key terms surrounding it. It also provides an overview of what is meant by lifting equipment, lifting accessories,
    and loads, as well as the risks posed by equipment and operations.
    • What is LOLER?
    • Who has duties under LOLER?
    • General duties of employees
    • Other relevant legislation
    • What is lifting equipment?
    • What are lifting accessories?
    • What is a load?
    • Equipment excluded from LOLER
    • What are the risk
  • Module Two: Risk Assessment
  • What is a risk assessment?
  • Key definitions
  • Step 1: identify the hazards
  • Step 2: determine who may be harmed and how
  • Step 3: evaluate risks and decide on controls
  • Step 4: record your findings and implement them
  • Step 5: review and update

Module Three: Selecting Suitable Lifting Equipment and Accessories
This module discusses the importance of selecting suitable equipment and accessories for lifting operations, so they are appropriate and safe for the intended use. In particular, it looks at considering the equipment’s safe working load (SWL), strength, stability, and positioning, as well as working conditions and the environment.

• Selecting lifting equipment and accessories
• Examples of safe lifting equipment selection
• Environmental effects
• Lifting equipment for lifting people
• Strength and stability
• Positioning and installation
• Safe working loads
• Derating lifting equipment

Module Four: Examination, Maintenance, and Storage

This module covers the importance of pre-use checks, examinations, and maintenance, as well as appropriate storage, to ensure equipment remains safe for use. It discusses who is responsible for carrying these out and defines the recommended frequency of examinations and inspections.

• Requirements of examinations and maintenance
• What does a thorough examination cover?
• Competent persons
• Frequency of thorough examinations
• Records of thorough examinations
• Hired equipment
• Pre-use checks
• Maintenance of equipment
• Safe storage

Module Five: Planning Operations and Reducing Risks

This module explains the importance of proper planning and supervision of lifting operations and lifting equipment. It explains the various risk factors that must be considered and controlled during operations, such as positioning equipment, considering suspended loads, proximity hazards, and weather conditions.

• Planning and supervision
• What should plan cover?
• Location and positioning of equipment
• Working with suspended loads
• Attaching, detaching, and securing loads
• Preventing overturning and destabilizing
• Visibility and weather
• Lifting equipment for people
• Slips, trips, and falls
• Emergency procedures